اكتشف المستودع الكبير للبيانات الخاصة بمشروع وضع المراة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا باستخدام أدواتنا الفنية والتقنية الخاصة
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Opinions on Gender Quotas - Tunisia

Knowledge Levels of Gender Quotas is Low but Majorities Aware of Quotas Support Them

When measuring knowledge levels on gender quotas, the data clearly illustrates the low level of awareness of such a notion amongst the population. Nearly nine in 10 Tunisians (87%) say they do not know about the notion of gender quotas. Only 13% of Tunisians say they know a lot (3%) or a little (10%) about gender quotas (Figure 6).

Awareness of gender quotas generally increases as education levels increase: only 3% of Tunisians with no education are aware of gender quotas, compared to 6% with a primary education, 3% with an intermediate education, 13% with a secondary education and 25% with a university education or higher.

The 13% of Tunisians who are aware of the notion of gender quotas were then asked to what extent they would support or oppose the adoption of gender quotas in future parliamentary elections. Sixty-three percent of respondents say they would strongly (29%) or somewhat (34%) support the adoption of gender quotas in future parliamentary elections, yet one third say they somewhat oppose (17%) or strongly oppose their introduction (15%) and 6% do not know.

Similar to the gender gap discussed above regarding women in political roles, the data shows a large gender gap in the level of support for gender quotas: men are more than twice as likely to oppose their introduction than women (42% vs. 18%). Still, a majority of men (53%) and women (76%) would support their introduction (Figure 7).

The very small number of respondents who are aware of gender quotas and would oppose their introduction say they oppose them on the following grounds:  they are against the principle of equal opportunity (41%); it means politicians get elected based on sex and not qualifiications (11%); or women should not be elected just because the are women (9%). Meanwhile 21% say they oppose them because of more stereotypical reasons such as the belief that women are less qualified/educated than men, and 9% say because women’s place is at home or they have no place in politics (9%).